Mind-body Therapies for Wellbeing

Simple practices for finding ease and wellbeing in your life

Change is possible!

But usually it requires a bit of support. Often what is keeping us stuck is happening under the surface of our consciousness. Belief systems that were created when we were too small to know any better. Habits of protection that once were so vital now only keep us from feeling our true aliveness.

The thing is, most of these things are happening without us even knowing. Psychotherapy, so helpful in some instances, has limits as we are often staying within the realm of what is already conscious.

At a certain point, you will feel like you are spinning your wheels by repeating your story. Maybe you already know this place. That’s because rewriting the story does not rewrite the wiring that created the story in the first place—so we end up replaying the same scenario over and over, with different players. This is a good thing! Because as soon as you become aware of a pattern like this, there is an entry point for healing.

By incorporating meditation, energy work, and other practices that work directly with the nervous system, change begins to happen from the bottom up. Suddenly you may start to notice that you have a bit more energy, or are not so reactive to stress, or you have less physical pain.

Maybe you are wanting to clear anxiety and depression, heal the imprint of complex trauma, find more ease in your relationships, or optimize and activate your life’s highest potential. When we learn how to get out of the way, our goals become much more easy to attain.

Arriving at this place is already a great act of bravery. I honor you on your journey!

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